monitor configuration ===================== The monitor is used to manager all the :ref:`DNs ` and :ref:`CNs `. Currently it has two kind of tasks: * Send heartbeat request to all the ref:`DNs ` and :ref:`CNs `. If any DN or CN can not response the heartbeat, it stores the DN/CN to etcd to indicate it is failed. And it also performs failover for the failed CN. * For each failed DN/CN, the monitor gets the DN/CN data from etcd, and tries to syncup the data to the DN/CN. If it succeeds to syncup the DN/CN, it will remove the DN/CN from the failed list. You can launch multiple monitors. Each monitor will work on a subset of DNs and CNs. command line parameters ----------------------- \--etcd-endpoints The etcd endpoint list, splited by comma. E.g. ``localhost:2379``, ``,,``. The default value is localhost:2379. \--dn-heartbeat-interval The interval of sending heartbeat request to each DN. Its unit is second. If set it to 0, the dn heartbeat will be disabled. The default value is 5. \--dn-heartbeat-concurrency How many goroutines will be launched for sending DN heartbeat request. If you have many DNs, you should set it to a larger value (or launch more monitors). If set it to 0, the dn heartbeat will be disabled. The default value is 100. \--dn-syncup-interval The interval of sending syncup request to the failed DNs. Its unit is second. If set it to 0, the dn syncup will be disabled. The default value is 5. \--dn-syncup-concurrency How many goroutines will be launched for sending the syncup request. If set it to 0, the dn syncup will be disabled. The default value is 100. \--cn-heartbeat-interval The interval of sending heartbeat request to each CN. Its unit is second. If set it to 0, the cn heartbeat will be disabled. The default value is 5. \--cn-heartbeat-concurrency How many goroutines will be launched for sending CN heartbeat request. If you have many CNs, you should set it to a larger value (or launch more monitors). If set it to 0, the cn heartbeat will be disabled. The default value is 100. \--cn-syncup-interval The interval of sending syncup request to the failed CNs. Its unit is second. If set it to 0, the cn syncup will be disabled. The default value is 5. \--cn-syncup-concurrency How many goroutines will be launched for sending the syncup request. If set it to 0, the cn syncup will be disabled. The default value is 100. examples -------- * Connect to the etcd, and use default values for all other parameters:: vda_monitor --etcd-endpoints * Connet to the etcd cluster, and, Set dn heartbeat interval to 10 second:: vda_monitor --etcd-endpoints,, --dn-heartbeat-interval 10